Our service RatesFlat
- Property Claim Estimate
- Emergency Response Assessments
- Dispute
- Resolution
Minimum Two-hour Assessment
- Addition Professional Fees:
- Engineering Fee: Variable, depending on the scope of engineering services required.
- Architectural Fee: Variable, based on the complexity of architectural assessments.
- ITEL Fee: Variable, contingent on the use of ITEL or similar specialized services.
- Travel Expenses: Any travel expenses incurred during the assessment process will be discussed and agreed upon with the client in advance.
- In certain cases, additional expertise may be required to enhance the precision of our estimates.
- Payment Terms: Invoices will be issued upon completion of services, with payment due before the estimate is released.
We prioritize efficiency and accuracy in every assessment. For personalized timeframes or to discuss your specific requirements, please contact us. Thank you for choosing CES for your property claims estimating needs.
Estimated Timeframes:
Average Claim: 4-6 hours
Large Loss: 15+ hours
Minimum Charge:
To cover the initial assessment and documentation efforts, we have established a minimum charge for our property claims estimating services: $300
Get In Touch
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